These lace hairpieces have thin skin on the back and sides, which can increase strength and are easy to fix and maintain. The front bleached knot creates a very natural front hairline; other places use longer-lasting double knots, and the wide polyethylene on the back and sides adds durability, making it easy to install and clean.
The imperceptible and breathable French lace disperses heat and water, keeping your head cool in hot weather or during strenuous activities. This hair unit is suitable for new wearers.
Cap Description: French lace on top and front with transparent thin skin on sides and back
Base Size 8"*10",7"*9"
Hair Color: #240,#1B,#3,#4,#5,#6
Hair Tape: Human Remy Hair
Hair Length: 6inches
Hair Density: Medium Light to Medium (110%-130%)
Hair Wave: 32mm
Front Shape: CC
Hair Style: Free Style